Author Archives: Marlon

January 28th, 2010 0 min to read

Another WP Update

Category : Miscellaneous

And this time…. It went over without any problems 😀 -Marlon! ...

January 28th, 2010 0 min to read

This time really! – India!

Category : India, Travel

I am going to India! hahahaha! So, I got my India visa when I went back to the states for holiday and have finalized my travel date of 30th Jan (this sunday!). I’ll try to get as many pictures as possible to share 😀 Should be an entertaining little journey. -Peace for now. Marlon ...

November 8th, 2009 0 min to read

I’m running outta steam

Category : Miscellaneous

I think I may be running low on energy. Hmmm… I miss those days of driving :-/ ...

October 31st, 2009 0 min to read


Category : India, Travel

Just a quick post since I’m packing now, to let everyone know that I’m traveling to India for the month of November 🙂 Woot! ...

October 18th, 2009 3 min to read

Highlights of the most random moments in my life

Category : Miscellaneous

Just a sampling from what I can recollect. I’m sure there are even more random moments but, Ill continue to build as I remember. 1. Waking up in some random chicks house, fully clothed in my work clothes from the day, shoes on and everything. WTF happened that night… NOTHING! Okay, nothing! 2. Starting to play Left ...

October 16th, 2009 0 min to read

Greatest Video Game Hero

Category : Gaming, Miscellaneous;title;1 My choice was Kratos from the ‘God of War’ series but, it seems that many others do not agree, as Mario beat out Kratos…. how the hell does that happen!!?? Still, Gordon Freeman of the Half-Life series is one B...

October 12th, 2009 4 min to read

Do you want to live in Europe? That is the question…

Category : Berlin, Travel

It begins… My life of living the laid back lifestyle in Miami at home with Mom & Dad is no longer. I need to strike out! On my own and see what the world has to offer and I tell you my friends, it’s no picnic 😛 I get a call from the higher ups asking if I would like to move to Europe (anywhere in Europe mind you)...

October 9th, 2009 0 min to read


Category : Miscellaneous

I’ve recently become addicted to pringles. ...

October 6th, 2009 0 min to read

We Are Back Up!

Category : Miscellaneous

After much traveling (moving)! I am situated in Berlin, DE now. The site was down for quite some time because I tried to transfer hosting of the blog from one provider to another and things just went wrong, initially. Fortunately, I took a bit more time out and worked with support at the ‘new’ providers end and things hav...

September 15th, 2008 2 min to read

Spilled drinks anyone?

Category : Miami

The night started out fairly innocent enough, not! Scene – Loading up in the Mazda 6 Me: Let’s go guys *Everyone gets into the car. It’s me, greg, randy, david. Randy: Yo marlon, DONT MAKE ME SPILL MY DRINK! Me: How can I possibly do that, man?! Buckle up peoples. Greg/David laughing in the background. Me: Aite, y...